OHS 55th Class Reunion Status


To Bee or Not to Bee

55th or 56th Class Reunion

50th Committee Remains in Recovery

Suggestions for events and activities are Appreciated
Please send your suggestions and Ideas to

The suggestions below have been received from several folks. It seems that an opportunity to renew our friendships is of interest. If there will be a 55th Reunion we need a volunteer to step forward to help organize and advertise. Please advise your interest in assisting in the 55th year event.

A class cruise!!!    
Steamboat down the Mississippi,
Panama canal
Catalina Island,
Or others

This could be the reunion or
an addition to. Mark M
Although my travel plans are prone to last minute changes, it's not likely that I would return to Iowa in the fall.

Judy (A) G

Interested? Yes. Not interested if it's at the Country club. To damn crowded. Rather have a picnic outside.


I think we should go for it as we are not
getting any younger

Bill S

Next October is a long ways off but I would definitely like to come if at all possible.  I will watch for the notice.  Thanks for the mail.

Dorothy "Pepper" Gearhart

I am so hoping there will be a reunion next year .... thoughts:  would like opportunities to visit with as many as possible ... maybe name tags on tables ... and musical tables ... with one group for cocktails, another for appetizers, another for main course and another for dessert???  (I would be willing to help making an placing name tags)


Here is a great idea. Perhaps include classes of 58,59 & 60. Begin John's Suggestion.

Maybe we should combine a few years.  Otherwise it's going to be "Will the last person leaving please turn out the lights?"  I've always wondered what's happened to some friends from the previous and next classes.  The ham radio club and some of the Civil Air Patrol people for example. 

.....John Debo 6/20/2014

My wife is a member of the Bellflower, CA High school class and they just had their 55 reunion event in Palm Springs, CA. It was a very nice event and those that attended enjoyed talking about their class and current activities of classmates. Perhaps there is another city in Iowa or Missouri that would be more of a central location for those that would like to attend the OHS 1959 Reunion.

...Leroy Gegenheimer 6/20/2014

Everyone is waiting to see who steps forward, so here goes.  What do you think about Des Moines or Kansas City for a destination say next Memorial day as a 55th location.  I know that it is to possibly to late for this year, but it is just getting together that counts.  I would work on either location.


........Bill Schertz 06/22/2014

What about including the other high schools in Ottumwa? Catholic Central and Ottumwa Heights . We've known, worked & live with  them all our lives. Why not see if they would be interested. All  good people we've known forever

......Bud Sanders 6/22/14.

Suggest that for an out of Ottumwa reunion, it be in a city with a major
airport, and have it at an airport area hotel. This would be a lot easier for folks spread out all over the country.

Denver seems to be about the center of the USA. At least on the map. The mention of Palm Springs sounds good also. Palm Springs airport is
not a major fly-in with not many direct flights from great distances (prehaps Las Vegas).

This E-mail is only something to consider. No mater what arrangements are made there will always be folks who will not or cannot attend.

Mark Miller




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