Actually, we want to know the contact information for all of the class
of 59, but we have lost track of the specific classmates below.
Anybody that may know of the whereabouts of these folks please forward
the information to
Bonnie Anderson or Bill Schertz (if issues with sending see below)
You Lost? Please apply the following test.*
Did you receive the 56th Reunion mailers? If the answer is NO,
then perhaps your lost. Please report to Judy Engle or Bonnie Anderson (click on
her name above) and let her know you think you may be lost.
Caroline Anderson Hanson |
Robert Bailey |
Jerry Bean |
Beverly Beasley Denny |
Nancy Bunten McNulty |
Shirley Carnes Grear |
Patricia Clark Parker |
Maxine Conner Sardina |
Evelyn Cropp White |
John Crow |
Carol Deborn Shullaw |
Reva Kay Exline Rimmer |
Mary Lou Findley Murray |
Joyce Fuller Krebs |
Ron Gaston |
Jerry Gollaher |
Eva Peterson Gordy |
Judy Johnson |
Charmaine Leedall Sage |
Larry Lucas |
Joy Millhouse Mcreery |
Judy Orman Kandrac |
Lloyd Patrick |
Carolyn Pontello Crow |
Vicki Richardson Hoskins |
Larry Roberts |
JoAnn Sampson Feehan |
Judith Ann Stansberry Bunce |
Linda Steele Conzad |
Donald Vorhies |
We also would appreciate E-mail Address for the Following Classmates
Anne Thomas Kropf |
Barbara Bever Gage |
Bette Blumer Stewart |
Carolyn Borger Cordell |
Charleatta Belger Zwer |
Clark Raney |
Connie Larson Miller |
Constance Fosdyck Tipling |
David Pottirff |
David Webber |
Delores Witt Marsching |
Dennis Carroll |
Dick Scott |
Don Songer |
Emmett Overtuf |
Gary Albertson |
Jane Howard Farquhar |
Janet Howard owen |
Jennie McWilliams Godkin |
Jim Wood |
Jon Davis |
Jon Kinnamon |
Joyce Blanchard Massey |
Juania Rooker Norman |
Judy Pumroy Knisley |
Kathleen Lake urry |
Linda Weems Leedall |
Marty Carroll |
Nancy Bunten McNulty |
Pat Richards Hill |
Patricia Fuller Bagg |
Ralph Young |
Roger Shelby |
Ronald Brown |
Sarah Krafka Sade |
Sharon Rolison Ferguson |
Sherrill Gibson Helm |
Susan Quinn Bailey |
Valerie Fullmer Moore |
Virginia Leeper Hindsley |
Bonnie Anderson or Bill Schertz click below