When we were young gas was about 25 Cents a gallon

        Any many times I couldn't afford to get more than a buck or two of gas.

Today its sells for about 25 cents a cup.

       and I am lucky if I can afford one or two gallons.

How times have changed.......


Other write:

  1. I remember that also; and they even checked your oil,
    washed the windows, checked the air in the tires and
    there was usually some kind of free gift. Pat and I got
    our first good china from a Conoco station in Burlington. 
    Our usual fill up on pay day was $5.00.

  2. I remember filling my Dads '67 VW up from empty on
    $1.80.  $0.239/gal was common.  Occasionally a "gas
    war" would drop it to $0.199 for a while.  I'm seeing
    $3.999 for regular 87 octane on local pumps today.  