Irving Elementary School 1952

 Dedication to Serve
Pick out the future class members of 59

Irving School Patrol 1953

Back Row: Charles Goff, Craig Williams, Kenny Vest, Larry McCarty, Alan Ware, Leroy Gegenheimer, Herschel Widger, Judy, Kinnear, John Tetmeyer, Miss Hunter

 Front Row: Sandra Miller, Kay Moore, Laverne Vest, David Stufflebeam, Lois Jean Nelson, Alan Johnson, Gloria Ramsey, Patrolman Martin Carlson

Blast of the Past


Ottumwa High School Class 1959, OHS Class 1959, Ottumwa High School,

Class 59 OHS, Class 1959 OHS, Class 1959 Ottumwa High School, Class 59 Ottumwa High School