Coming Soon

50th Reunion Name the Classmate Contest with
$50 American Express Debit Card Prize.

  1. Thanking each of the class members that submitted photos.  For those members in the wrong spot that were caught by the paparazzi, sorry for your luck.  But I do appreciate the paparazzi for sharing the photos with me. 
  2. Contest Rules
  • Contest is open to only members of the Ottumwa High School class of 1959 (spouses are not included).
  • For each photo put a check in the box next to your answer & if you are choosing a blank box you must add the actual name for that person.
  • There may be imposters in the test that are not members of the class of 1959 OHS, and they should be identified as such.
  • Class members may only submit one test sheet.  Only the first test sheet received will be graded.
  • In the event of multiple 750 correct test sheets a drawing will be held at the reunion dinner to determine the winner that will include all names that had a perfect score.
  • Contest will be activated approximately August 1, 2009  (ok I am late)

Good luck and Happy Testing


Thanking all of those that took the Reunion Quiz.

The bad news the best score was a C- (10 Right out of 16 Questions).  Serena (Coate) Sullivan had the best score but that contest was to delivery $100 to the perfect score so no prize money was paid out.  Sorry for the changes in the appearance of class members over time. 

Teacher Answer Sheet



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